The Senior Digest

Health and Wellness Tips

10 daily habits to stop back pain


Although, finding out the cause of your back pain is not easily possible, but preventing the actions that increase your pain, is totally in your hand. In order to reduce your pain and letting the pressure off your back, it is necessary to adopt few habits and practice them on daily basis. This will therefore help you maintain a healthy, fit and pain-free spinal cord.

Observe and fix your postures

Observe and fix your postures

First and the foremost thing that you need to cater while taking preventive measures for your back pain, is the fixing up of your body postures. Observe your postures daily, be it sitting, standing, sleeping or idle positions, and try to improve them. Also, be very vigilant while working or performing difficult tasks. Wrong and unsupported postures are the biggest cause of your aching and straining back, neck and shoulders. Therefore, in order to kick off the back pain out of your life, try to keep your back straight all the time.

Take a healthy diet- Intake of Vitamin D and Calcium

Take a healthy diet- Intake of Vitamin D and Calcium

Diet is the primary thing that matters a lot when it comes to the question of your tiring and stressing body. Strong bones and spine help in preventing the inflammation and aches in your back. So, it is significant to keep your spinal bones or vertebras strong by increasing the intake of vitamin D and calcium in your diet. For instance; milk yogurt, leafy green vegetables, vitamin supplements, fish, egg yolks, cheese and beef liver are highly beneficial for the building up of strong bones and ligaments.


It’s time to change your shoes

It’s time to change your shoes

Your feet also have a vital role to play in the strengthening of your back. In order to release the pain from your back, you should wear soft, comfy and flat shoes. This habit will, hopefully, bring about great change in helping you achieve a healthy back.

Do not slouch while working

Do not slouch while working

Most of the people have this silly habit of slouching over the table while working on a computer or laptop. It is better to sit on a chair which has a straight back support.

Walk around

Walk around

Sitting still or in a same position for a long time-period, most of the times, can be tiring for your body. So, try to change this habit by taking 5 to 10 minutes break amidst your work and walk around to relieve the pressure on your spine.

Do not lift heavy objects

Do not lift heavy objects

Lifting heavy loads and objects is a hazardous act to perform while having back pain. Also, healthy people who do not care about their posture when lifting up the objects can be the target of back pain. On the contrary, lifting light weight objects can also be dangerous as it can cause strains in your back as well. Hence, use a rolling cart or wheel cart for taking heavier items along you.

Practice back muscles stretching exercises

Practice back muscles stretching exercises

Another thing that can be really helpful in preventing back pain is the replacement of lazy habits with the practicing of simple exercises regularly, such as walking around and stretching your back muscles.

Support your back by using pillows

Support your back by using pillows

Ensure routine use of pillow while sleeping. Sleeping with a pillow between or underneath your knees would turn out to be beneficial act. This will, therefore, maintain perfect alignment of your body.

Take herbal bath every night

Take herbal bath every night

Taking herbal regularly is a better habit to adopt. Hot water and the use of herbals will eventually lessen down the inflammation in your back and will promote blood circulation.

Take breaks frequently during any kind of work

Take breaks frequently during any kind of work

On common mistake that all of us make in our life is the continuous working habit. People do not take breaks in between their work hours and spend hours in the same position. Make sure to take little breaks to allow your spine muscles to relax.

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