The Senior Digest

Health and Wellness Tips

What causes neck pain?

What causes neck pain


The human neck is the most vital and one of the sensitive parts of the body that is comprised of spinal bones, ligaments, muscles and soft tissues. For this reason, neck is considered to be at high risk of aching, getting injured or being strained as it is the most moved part of our body. Normally, neck pain seems to be a common ailment that occurs to people with 60 or 65+ ages. Although the pain is not as such serious every time but there are chances that the pain might take the shape of serious illness which would then need immediate medical attention and checkup. Especially when we talk about elderly people, proper attention must be given to them as their pain needs to be cured on time before it gets worse.

When looking for common pain spots, it is not necessary that pain only occurs in the neck and cannot extend further. However, the neck pain can develop into an acute disease and can affect its adjoining areas such as the pain is highly expected to shoot down in the shoulders, arms and back.

The main question that arises here is that why is that neck pain occurs in aged people. In most of the cases, people experience pain due to a muscle tension or any other benign cause. While there are also cases where people undergo severe agony because they may have had an injury or bone fracture. Neck pain is easily curable at home as you can use home medications and remedies but if the pain worsens and gets prolonged, then you must see the doctor urgently.

In order to get deep information about your neck pain and to determine its reason, read the causes below.

Causes of neck pain

Causes of neck pain

The most common causes of neck pain are explained below;

Muscle strain or tension

Muscle strain or tension

Muscle tension occurs due to the rough tear and wear we give to your necks. Some factors that are the cause of these strains include:

  • Poor posture while sleeping
  • Not allowing your neck to rest while working
  • Roughly jerking your neck while exercising
  • Poor posture while sleeping
  • Not allowing your neck to rest while working
  • Roughly jerking your neck while exercising

Mental stress and anxiety

Mental stress and anxiety

Mental stress is one of the major reason of neck pain. When the nerves and muscles in the neck tighten or get stiff due to emotional stress, they cause your neck to ache badly. Many people, at such a sensitive age of seniority, complain to hold pressure and tension in their necks or shoulders.



The state in which there is inflammation of a thin tissue in the the brain and spinal cord is known as ‘meningitis’. People with meningitis go through mild fever and a headache accompanied with stiff neck. This condition can be lethal therefore, it needs immediate medical aid.


Heart attack

Heart attack

Many people experience neck pain after they have had a heart attack. Not only heart attack but few other factors also add to the pain;

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating
  • Jaw pain

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating
  • Jaw pain

Whiplash or a sudden injury

Whiplash or a sudden injury

Sudden jerking of the neck where the head jolts forward and backward very quickly, is known as a ‘whiplash’. Such a movement may result in a crack of a whip where the ligaments and muscles of the neck get misplaced. In some cases, cervical vertebrae might fracture due to any accident or any falls. Furthermore, neck injury is possible to occur in sport activities or other sudden movements of your neck.



Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones gets weak ultimately leading to minor fractures. Bones weakening takes place in hands, knees, neck and other major bones of the body.



It is a disease in which there is a serious muscle pain throughout the body, especially in the neck, shoulders and its adjoining areas.

Cervical radiculopathy

Cervical radiculopathy

Cervical radiculopathy, also referred as a pinched nerve, is a state which occurs when irritation of the nerves originates in the cervical spine, and eventually causes the neck pain to shoot down in the arm. Primary symptoms that are expected to occur in this condition are;

  • Numbness in the shoulders and arms
  • Weakness or aching at some points in the arms
  • Feelings of pins and needles in the arms
  • Numbness in the shoulders and arms
  • Weakness or aching at some points in the arms
  • Feelings of pins and needles in the arms

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis is progressive and long-term illness that causes pain and weakness in the joints of the body. This state is followed by swelling, inflammation, and aches in the joints of the entire body. Usually Rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints of hands and feet first but it can occur in any of the joint.

All the above mentioned causes of neck pain are more common in senior people as they are at an age where bones and muscles slowly weaken down. Despite the fact that the pain is curable, still you must seek immediate medical checkup if your pain prolongs.

In conclusion, neck pain can be caused by a wide range of factors and underlying conditions. It is often the result of muscle strain, poor posture, or injury. However, neck pain can also be a symptom of more serious medical conditions, such as cervical spondylosis, herniated discs, or osteoarthritis. Identifying the root cause of neck pain is essential for effective treatment. Consulting with a healthcare professional, undergoing diagnostic tests, and following recommended treatments can help alleviate neck pain and improve overall neck health. It’s crucial to address neck pain promptly to prevent it from becoming chronic or leading to more severe complications.

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