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Health and Wellness Tips

Best Yoga poses for neck pain

Best Yoga poses for neck pain


Neck pain can be a persistent and discomforting issue, especially in today’s digital age where we spend extended hours hunched over screens. Yoga offers a natural and effective way to relieve neck pain and improve flexibility. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best yoga poses for neck pain, providing a comprehensive guide for individuals seeking relief and relaxation.

So, people who are struggling to relieve their neck pain, should adopt the following yoga poses.

Corpse Pose

Are you suffering with neck pain? Chill out and let go of your body stress and tension via corpse pose. Try it and allow your neck, shoulders and body muscles to relax. What you have to do is to lay down flat on your back in a state that your arms are resting alongside your body. Open your feet a little wider than your thighs by spreading your toes to the outside. Make sure your head, neck and back is perfectly aligned. Now, stay in this position for 5 to 10 minutes by taking in and out deep breaths. Surely, you will feel good afterwards.

Cross body shoulder stretching pose

Another wonderful pose which you should practice, in order to release the pressure and stress off your neck, is the cross-body shoulder stretches. This pose can be done anywhere anytime as it is most easy way to start off with your yoga session. Begin by sitting straight in a comfortable upright position and smoothly pull your arms across your body. Until you feel any stretch in your shoulders, keep pulling in a gentle way. Now hold on in this pose for few seconds by inhaling and exhaling breaths. Switch to the other shoulder and repeat the same procedure. Thus, this pose will turn out to be an instant pain reliever for you.

Child’s pose

People going through neck pain, as well as headache, should practice child’s pose as your body will get relaxed very quickly. Start off by being on your knees, in a kneeling position, where you feel comfortable. Place your hands on floor and make them walk right in your front. Stretch your spine by hinging your hips. In order to support your neck in this pose, keep your arms drawn-out. Now, breather in and out deeply and allow your muscles to let go of the tightness and stress that your body is holding. To get instant results, stay in this position for a while.

Legs up the wall pose

This pose is an amazing healer pose as it helps the muscles of your neck, shoulders, and its adjoining areas to release their stiffness and pressure. What you need to do is that sit down and scoot forward on your hips towards the wall. Once you reach closer to the wall, lie back and take your legs up straight against the wall. For providing a soft support to your hips, place a pillow or a folded blanket underneath. Now, extend your arms in a position where you feel comfortable. Remain in this pose for about 15 to 20 minutes and kick off your neck and shoulders pain.

Sphinx pose

Adopt this yoga pose and get rid of your aching muscles. Strengthen your spine, neck and shoulders by often practicing it. To form this posture, lay flat on your stomach by placing your elbows beneath your shoulders. Keep pressing your elbows into your forearms and palms. Now, lift your upper torso and head and in order to support your body, tighten up your lower back and thighs. To relax your muscles, ensure your spine lengthen as you push yourself up. Keep on repeating the stretches for 2 to 3 minutes.

Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)

This gentle flow between arching and rounding the back while synchronizing breath helps relieve tension in the neck, stretches the spine, and improves flexibility.

Thread the Needle Pose (Parsva Balasana)

This pose involves threading one arm under the other in a kneeling position, gently stretching the neck and shoulders. It relieves tension in the upper back and neck and improves mobility.

When practicing these yoga poses for neck pain, it’s essential to approach them mindfully, especially if you have existing neck issues. Consult a yoga instructor or healthcare professional for guidance, and listen to your body during practice. With regular practice, you can find relief from neck pain and experience improved neck and shoulder mobility.

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